Jessie Ehren is the VertiMax International Training Coordinator, where she makes sure VertiMax students are set up for success and certified to use the VertiMax equipment.


In this episode, Jessie offers her thoughts on the different education methods that VertiMax has to offer.  Do you want to become a more knowledgeable instructor? This episode outlines your options. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:15] A little bit about Jessie and the work she does at VertiMax. 

[2:00] The most valuable certification VertiMax has is their live certification course. 

[3:10] You can also learn from VertiMax’s online workshop, which can be consumed anytime. However, you do not get certified. 

[5:30] VertiMax also hosts live webinars. What does this look like?

[7:10] Jessie explains VertiMax’s premium subscription platform. 

[8:15] VertiMax has a free mobile app to help you get inspired.

[8:40] VertiMax is back in business with the live summit now that COVID restrictions have been lifted! 

[11:15] Education is such a big part of the VertiMax platform and there’s always new information coming out! 



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VertiMax Certification Education



“Our live certification course is the only way you can become a certified trainer through VertiMax."


"The VertiMax online workshop is a great opportunity, especially if you can’t get to a live course, but it is not a certification."