Itam (I.T.) Antigha, more commonly referred to as "I.T.", is one of the members of the VertiMax Team as part of the Inside Sales and Client Support team. He is responsible for supporting and serving the VertiMax community by organizing personalized visits to educate, engage and develop relationships with coaches, trainers, and athletes.


I.T. and Al understand that summer is coming, which also means your athletes’ sports season is winding down and coming to an end. How can young athletes still be ‘game-ready’ over the summer? I.T. shares some helpful exercises you can do for your specific sport at home without a lot of gym equipment in this week’s episode. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:20] As seasons are ending, what can parents do to help keep their young athletes’ in prime condition while they’re at home during the summer? 

[2:00] Don’t have a full gym at home? Don’t worry. We’ve got alternatives.

[2:55] It’s important to first determine what your end-goal is. Is it to gain weight? Gain speed? 

[3:35] Training is important, but you also shouldn’t slack on your nutrition and sleep. 

[5:10] What are some good basic moves to focus on over the summer? 

[6:10] What basic equipment should you pick up from the store? 

[7:20] If you’re a basketball player, what exercises and movements should you focus on? 

[8:30] If you play football, the types of exercises you do would be based on your position. 

[9:50] What should athletes do if they play baseball? 

[12:00] What are some of the recommended exercises volleyball players should do at home?

[13:10] Sumner is a busy time for everybody, but if you have big dreams and big goals, you need to make time to hone in on your skills.  



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“We are talking about training, but it also influences your nutrition. You need your sleep. All that stuff matters."


"If you’re looking to get faster, you have to train fast to be fast. Sprints with resistance, sprints without, and sprints while starting from the ground, etc."