Itam (I.T.) Antigha, more commonly referred to as "I.T.", is one of the members of the VertiMax Team as part of the Inside Sales and Client Support team. He is responsible for supporting and serving the VertiMax community by organizing personalized visits to educate, engage and develop relationships with coaches, trainers, and athletes.


I.T. and Al share some famous strength and conditioning coaches they’re fond of and like to follow on this week’s podcast. They talk about some of their favs like Cal Dietz, Eric Cressey, Michael Boyle, and Brett Bartholomew, and how they can up your coaching game.


Key Takeaways:

[2:35] Here’s some influential coaches you should be following and learning from on social media.

[3:35] Why should you follow Eric Cressey?

[4:10] Al shares why Michael Boyle is a top coach in the industry.

[4:55] I.T. explains why Brett Bartholomew is a great resource for coaches who want to communicate better.

[6:55] Who are some of your favorite coaches?



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“Cal’s program that he’s developed is one of the most influential programs out there to develop exclusive power and strength."


"Brett dives deep into communication because it’s often something we overlook."