Itam (I.T.) Antigha, more commonly referred to as "I.T.", is one of the members of the VertiMax Team as part of the Inside Sales and Client Support team. He is responsible for supporting and serving the VertiMax community by organizing personalized visits to educate, engage and develop relationships with coaches, trainers, and athletes.


I.T. breaks down some of the common communication mistakes or pitfalls good coaches end up making. He also shares what coaches can do to receive feedback, incorporate it in a way an athlete feels heard, and five best ways a coach can build a better communication style with their athletes in this week’s podcast. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:40] The biggest way to improve your communication as a coach is by improving your listening skills. 

[3:15] A good coach can read inbetween the lines between what their athlete is saying and what their body is also saying. 

[5:15] It’s important to discern what type of athlete you’re coaching. What is their preferred communication style? 

[7:45] It’s important to focus on getting better vs. getting good. I.T. explains what he means by that. 

[8:55] Aim to be 1% better everyday. 

[9:10] Why is it important to communicate some of your core values to your athletes? 



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“A lot of coaches are great speakers, but they may not be great listeners."


"There are days where your athlete won’t be feeling 100%. How you listen to them, and adjust accordingly, will build a better relationship with them."