Brett Kuehn is a sports and human performance enthusiast, athlete, and mentor to Team VertiMax. He is a USMC veteran and business development professional at VertiMax. Brett’s passion is to help others achieve their goals whether they are an athlete looking to improve their speed, agility, and verticals; a coach looking to help their athletes gain an edge, or a sports performance owner or trainer seeking new ways to increase their business. 


Brett is back on the podcast to talk about the pros and cons of a youth football camp. Both Brett and Al are fathers and coaches, so they weigh in on how your child might most benefit from a camp when it comes to their athletic ability as well as building life-long skill sets such as leadership and team collaboration. 


Key Takeaways:

[2:00] What are some of the benefits of a youth football camp? 

[3:55] A good youth football camp will help kid improve their discipline and work ethic. 

[5:20] There are a wide variety of different mentors and role models at these camps that your kid will be able to get exposed to and see their different leadership styles. 

[7:10] A good youth camp will provide your child with a lot of great networking options and, of course, a new friend group. 



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“There will be kids from other areas, which will bring out some healthy competition for them."


"A youth camp gives your kids a chance to meet other people that are like-minded and they like football. This opens up a ton of opportunities for networking."