Brad Hinkle is the Vice President of Operations at RedLine Athletics, a company that runs youth athletic performance training centers and has been working with VertiMax since 2012. VertiMax has been a big part of the RedLine Athletics programming, and they have grown tremendously over the last few years to over 20 facilities across the US, with each facility showcasing VertiMax equipment. Brad himself is a former two-sport college athlete in basketball and baseball who started off as an intern and trainer at RedLine Athletics, and today oversees operations of the company. 


On this episode hosted by Al Marez, Brad shares insights into RedLine Athletics, including what it takes to be a good trainer, and how each workout is formulated in a way that makes the system easy to scale. Brad also reveals how they use VertiMax equipment in their programs and processes, and breaks down the franchisee model that RedLine Athletics uses which has contributed to its rapid growth and expansion across the country in the last few years. Tune in to find out more.


Key Takeaways:

[:36] Al introduces his guest for this episode — Brad Hinkle.

[1:31] Brad talks a bit about his background and how he got started with RedLine.

[3:57] What is RedLine Athletics?

[6:11] Brad and Al discuss what it takes to be a good trainer.

[6:57] What does the RedLine workout look like?

[10:36] The way each workout is formulated makes the system scalable. 

[12:10] What were some of the challenges of implementing a franchising model?

[14:30] This podcast is being sponsored by VertiMax.

[15:42] What are some things that went easier on this business journey?

[17:23] What were some of the biggest changes that RedLine has made in the past few years.

[20:56] What is the top priority for RedLine as the company grows?

[22:34] RedLine Athletics uses a regional developer model. Brad explains how that model works.

[25:38] What are some regions that are available for franchisers looking to get into the industry?

[28:20] Get more information about franchising and RedLine Athletics at their websites or email Brad!

Mentioned in This Episode:


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