VERSED artwork


219 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 1 year ago - ★★★★★ - 153 ratings

VERSED is a pursuit to uncover what the Bible says. For around ten minutes, every Tuesday and Thursday, you are invited to join host, John Lawhon, as he searches for hope and truth in the Bible. Each podcast will provide a space to listen to scripture, learn more about it and reflect and meditate on what was revealed.

Be on the lookout for bonus episodes that take a deeper dive into scripture, unpack some of the hardest questions facing the Bible, discuss culture from a biblical perspective and answer some of your questions as well!

The ultimate goal of this podcast is to become well-VERSED so that when life's trials come, we have a rock to cling to and not a river to be swept away in. Together, we will develop emotional guts and fortitude so that we are not afraid to trust God as we walk through tough situations.

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Does God Accept the Worship of All Religions?

March 28, 2023 06:00 - 10 minutes - 9.87 MB

In the 2022 State of Theology research by Ligonier and Lifeway Ministries show that trends over time and the 2022 survey results reveal an increasingly belief among evangelicals that God is pleased by worship that comes from those outside the Christian faith. Let's find out what the Bible says!  // Everything you need is here Included in that link is a list of resources and references I use in this podcast and can help you grow deeper in your faith as well.  As always – ratings and revi...

Is the Bible Literally True?

March 23, 2023 15:54 - 9 minutes - 8.66 MB

U.S. adults increasingly reject the divine authorship of the Bible, relegating it to the same category as other religious writings and purportedly sacred texts. Maybe that’s you?  Holding this view makes it easy to cherry pick biblical teaching that that resonates us with while simultaneously rejecting any biblical teaching that is out of step with our own personal views or broader cultural values. It makes faith in Jesus so much more a struggle.  Numerous biblical passages testify to Scr...

Does Church Membership Matter?

March 21, 2023 14:53 - 11 minutes - 10.8 MB

The cultural value of individualism makes it unsurprising that most Americans deem church membership as optional for Christians. According to an annual study by Ligonier Ministries and Lifeway Ministries on the State of Theology 68% of evangelicals believe that every Christian has an obligation to join a local church. There are a few verses that speak to church membership but in today’s verse will help further answer the question  “what is the church?” // Everything you need is here Incl...

Are We Born Innocent?

March 16, 2023 15:25 - 13 minutes - 11.9 MB

According to an annual study by Ligonier Ministries and Lifeway Ministries on the State of Theology, most U.S. adults and almost two-thirds of evangelicals believe that humans are born innocent in the eyes of God. Maybe you fall into that category? What does the Bible truly teach on this? That’s the point of this podcast after all right? At the root of this is a foundational truth for life. // Everything you need is here Included in that link is a list of resources and references I use i...

Does God Adapt To Culture?

March 14, 2023 06:00 - 11 minutes - 10.1 MB

As we look at ourselves and at the world, it is clear that human beings, along with the rest of creation, undergo frequent changes. But does this principle of change apply to God as well? According to an annual study by Ligonier Ministries and Lifeway Ministries on the State of Theology…a majority of adults in the U.S. believe that God learns and adapts to different circumstances. Over half of evangelicals believe this statement. So, what does the Bible really say? // Everything you need ...

Do My Dreams Matter To God?

March 09, 2023 07:00 - 8 minutes - 7.95 MB

Do you ever wonder if your deepest desires and dreams matter to God? For me, I feel like I don’t even deserve to ask God for things I desire or dream for. Like who am I to ask for such a thing? God you’ve done enough for me, how dare I be so selfish? That’s my perspective though. I know it’s not biblical but it is how I’ve felt and still feel a lot of the time.  Today’s verse provides clarity, to the truth the God DOES in fact care about your dreams and desires and challenges how we think a...

What Does It Mean To 'Have Faith?'

March 07, 2023 07:00 - 9 minutes - 8.6 MB

How long can we trust God before we end up trying to take control? How long do I have to feel this anxiety? How long do I have to be afraid? How long do I have to wait before he heals me? Where is my blessing? I believe in His promises but where are they? How do you “have faith” when things in your life seem so far from where you think they should be?  // Everything you need is here Included in that link is a list of resources and references I use in this podcast and can help you grow dee...

Happiness vs. Joy

November 08, 2022 07:00 - 9 minutes - 8.3 MB

Whether it is your family or your workplace, do you know those people that just walk in, and their joy just lights up a room? Can think of others where they are just joyless; they are just negative and it rubs off. This is even a reminder for me to take stock on how many joyful people are around me…or not.  Today’s verses tell us that real joy can exist outside of relationships and standard of living.  // Everything you need is here Included in that link is a list of resources and refer...

The Strategy For Victory Over Your Stronghold

November 01, 2022 18:12 - 10 minutes - 9.99 MB

What is that one thing in your life that seems too difficult to overcome? Just focus on one thing. I’ll ask you more guided questions. What is this one thing that is keeping you from moving forward? Or moving at all? That makes you want to quit or avoid? These can be addictions, pain, grief, illness, financial insecurity, depression, anxiety but don’t stop at that, get really specific about this one thing even though there may be many. What is this stronghold? What is this fortress that’s ke...

What Does God's Judgement Look Like?

October 27, 2022 15:52 - 11 minutes - 10.8 MB

What do you think of when you think of judgment from God? Some picture natural disasters or plagues. Or spectacular economic collapse. Either way, most people's conception of divine judgment is dramatic and devastating. Yet more often God chooses very simple and yet even more deeply devastating ways to judge His people. // Everything you need is here Included in that link is a list of resources and references I use in this podcast and can help you grow deeper in your faith as well.  As a...

Tears In A Bottle

October 26, 2022 14:11 - 10 minutes - 9.93 MB

When it comes to fear, some people never want to admit that they’re afraid. Fear of man in our cultural context can be subtle and we can easily deny that it has gripped our hearts. We all lock our doors and glance nervously around us when we’re passing through certain neighborhoods in the city. But the fear that causes us to be hypocritical or to avoid confrontation at all costs, the fear of rejection or shame, can be just as paralyzing and real, and yet we can call it other names – being co...

Rape, Slavery, Murder ... Where Is God?

October 25, 2022 02:11 - 10 minutes - 9.4 MB

The Bible is that it's a brutally realistic book. I'm grateful for that. It doesn't cover up sin or minimize suffering. Some Christians act like it does. Some will attack the Bible for condoning rape and slavery and murder, but the Bible doesn't condone those actions; it just shows them for what they are. In today's passage, we see two heart-breaking "horror show" incidents: A woman who has had a discharge of blood for twelve years and a young girl who dies at twelve years old. Twelve years ...

Strange, Awkward & Exactly as God Planned

October 19, 2022 16:37 - 8 minutes - 8.22 MB

Chapter 9 in Isaiah brings a promise of a future blessing in the Messiah, verse 6 is a famous verse “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given;” this is the prophecy of Jesus Christ given nearly 700+ years before his birth. Today though we are going to read and reflect and meditate on the two verses prior and understand in a deeper and fuller way who Jesus is and what God has done for you.  // Everything you need is here Included in that link is a list of resources and references I ...

Do I Presume God's Patience?

October 19, 2022 02:08 - 10 minutes - 9.96 MB

God’s commandments are simple to understand but we don’t follow them. I understand what I SHOULD do and WANT to do but I DONT always. Here’s a question that smacked me upside the head as I studied today’s passage…How patient is God with me? // Everything you need is here Included in that link is a list of resources and references I use in this podcast and can help you grow deeper in your faith as well.  As always – ratings and reviews are massive! They really help others discover the pod...

How To Respond To Evil

October 14, 2022 03:05 - 11 minutes - 10.5 MB

Psalm 141 gives us a practical example to follow of how to respond to evil. It is a Psalm of dealing with liars, manipulators, schemers on the outside…but also our own hearts do the same thing to us. It’s incredibly practical for today. We have very real enemies plotting against us every day. Our own hearts deceive us, our feelings and emotions change all the time, we cannot and should not trust them to lead us.We need Psalms like this that point us toward the Lord because we need him to be ...

What Does the Bible Mean By 'Submission?'

October 13, 2022 02:08 - 10 minutes - 9.29 MB

We are not comfortable with the idea of submission. I can’t tell you the amount of conversations I’ve had with close friends and family about it as it relates to the Bible. Some examples... “Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority” “Submit yourselves, then, to God.” "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands (as you do to the Lord.) “not my will, but yours be done.” “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority:”  "let him deny himself and ta...

This Is Hope

October 11, 2022 18:48 - 10 minutes - 9.35 MB

What is your hope? What are you going to plead when you face your Maker and Judge in maybe twenty years — thirty, forty, five, or even three hours? What will your plea be when he says, “So, what right do you have as a sinner in my absolutely perfect presence in heaven?” What will your answer be? If you try to say, “I was as good as so-in-so,” that will not cut it. You might’ve been as good as this person. That’s not a help. “I volunteered and donated money.” “I got baptized.” That will not ...

The Reason For The Greatest Joy

October 05, 2022 06:00 - 8 minutes - 7.97 MB

We are dropping into the narrative of Jesus’ earthly ministry on the way to Jerusalem. He had appointed 72 other disciples in addition to the twelve to travel ahead of him two-by-two into towns that he would be visiting.  They were to carry out the mission of proclaiming the kingdom of God, not just in their words but in their actions. This was a life or death mission and it needed to be done quickly. They were going to face hostility like lambs among wolves Jesus said. They were to travel l...

Why Does Jesus Matter?

October 04, 2022 06:00 - 8 minutes - 8.14 MB

I came across today’s verse in my personal prayer time. It was this verse that was combined with the directive to “give God whatever glory or adoration comes to mind.” It actually gave me trouble. I thought to myself and asked myself, “how do I actually do that?” How do I give God glory? How do I show Him that I adore Him? What should I actually say to Him right now? Then I thought about what I’d want to hear from my daughters (they’re 8 and 4 btw) I didn’t mean to interject my own ego into...

Do You Feel Far From Jesus?

September 29, 2022 16:55 - 9 minutes - 8.37 MB

Have you ever felt far from Jesus? If I asked you to close your eyes and imagine he is sitting right next to you, how would you feel?  It’s normal to feel far from Him, I think that’s why Jesus’ final teaching showed us how to remain close to Him. It’s practical and easy to wrap our heads around and we will dive into that today. Think about what is going on in your life right now and your relationship with Him as we prepare to read our verse today: John 15:7 // Everything you need is her...

Unmet Expectations or God's Plan?

September 28, 2022 06:00 - 10 minutes - 9.69 MB

There are constant thieves at your door every single day and night and they’re called unmet expectations - always ready to steal your happiness and contentment.  All of us fill our lives with expectations, some good and some bad — what job we should get, what kind of spouse we’ll be married to, how that spouse will treat us, who our children will become. Our minds constantly fill in the blank slates of tomorrow with all sorts of expectations of what will happen to us. This is not wrong in i...

How To Have A Faith That Satisfies

September 27, 2022 06:00 - 10 minutes - 9.37 MB

Jesus Christ did not come into the world to assist you in meeting your desires. He came into the world to change your desires so that he is the main one. So many preachers, influencers and others try to meet you "right where you are" with your desires, desires that you share with every fallen human being in the world and they'll say: “Jesus came to meet that.” Well, he didn’t. He came to change those desires profoundly.  // Everything you need is here Included in that link is a list of re...

Will God Help Me?

September 26, 2022 06:00 - 10 minutes - 9.45 MB

Each of us has our own wilderness. A place where you struggle, wander, try to figure out life with no clear answers, you face issues. You could be wrestling with relationships with friends, loved ones or family. Maybe you desperately want children and it isn’t happening foryou. Maybe it's not related to the home at all; it may be connected to your employment. With others its finances; you live continually under the gun of insufficient funds. It could be an ongoing health issue. Maybe it's a ...

Do Not Force Your Convictions On Others

September 23, 2022 06:00 - 8 minutes - 7.59 MB

Yes, the Bible really says that. I was surprised, too.  // Everything you need is here Included in that link is a list of resources and references I use in this podcast and can help you grow deeper in your faith as well.  As always – ratings and reviews are massive! They really help others discover the podcast and ultimately help us improve VERSED. Thanks in advance for that 😊 Love you all – keep making hope louder! John FOLLOW ME ON IG! @johnlawhon

What Does the Bible Say About Leadership?

September 22, 2022 06:00 - 9 minutes - 8.51 MB

I learned recently that whenever the New Testament talks about leadership, it never emphasizes the authority of the leader. It emphasizes the danger of their own leadership. Interesting right?  It was encouraging to me because I was doubting my own abilities even as a man and a leader professionally and personally. Culture is telling me to be essentially to be a leader is to serve myself by either being super assertive, authoritative, to railroad others out of the way to get what I want.  ...

"Where Are You?"

September 21, 2022 06:00 - 8 minutes - 7.97 MB

Have you ever found yourself intentionally not praying or reading the Bible or going to church because you feel guilty? Or you don’t want to feel convicted?  We generally handle guilt by avoiding dealing with it. And that goes back to day one in humanity. It all began in the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and we’ve been using their faulty methods in an attempt to silence guilt ever since. // Everything you need is here Included in that link is a list of resources and re...

The Secret To A Happy Life

September 20, 2022 06:00 - 11 minutes - 10.4 MB

The world you could say is marked by warfare. Conflict and fighting all around us. We feel and see the effects of it, we try to numb the effects of it while also becoming numb to its existence in the first place. What is the root of it all? And what is the secret to a true happy life? I recently returned from a sabbatical to rest, recover from a difficult season of my life and to renew my mind and refresh my spirit. During that time, I took a course on the book of James where we read from ...

When God Says No

September 19, 2022 06:00 - 8 minutes - 8.23 MB

It’s said in the Bible that David was a man after God’s own heart. Have you ever thought about what that looks like? We will certainly see one example today. David gives us the playbook on how we should respond when God says “no” to our plans.   // Everything you need is here Included in that link is a list of resources and references I use in this podcast and can help you grow deeper in your faith as well.  As always – ratings and reviews are massive! They really help others discover th...

Darkness Cannot Overtake You

May 20, 2022 13:01 - 11 minutes - 12.9 MB

Over 2000 years ago, every moment before and every second since, Jesus was  fighting back your depression, your fear, your pain, your worry. He was contending against hell…for you! I like the way Whitney Lowe from Scribble Devos puts it, "Jesus was grabbing evil by its throat, getting right up in its face and claiming YOU as His own." Jesus chose to entire darkness so that we didn’t have to stay there. Do you believe that Jesus is that that that rages when we can’t see or feel it? Is it po...

The Power of Expressing Your Grief

May 19, 2022 15:00 - 12 minutes - 14.4 MB

When pain is crushing you, darkness feels like it is surrounding you, and you are overwhelmed by the things that need to be done that you simply don’t have the energy to accomplish… what should you do?  Maybe you feel like, well God uses everything for good so I should be joyful knowing that truth. Do you feel like something is wrong with you because you can’t feel joyful? When your heart is breaking - don’t you just want to hide until you don’t feel this way anymore? Enter lament. Somethi...

When You Don’t Have The Strength To Take Care of Yourself

May 18, 2022 01:36 - 10 minutes - 11.5 MB

Are you at the end of your strength? Is your life’s tank running on empty and everything you are trying to do to fill it up doesn’t seem to be working? Are you tired of trying? Do you want to quit? Are you frustrated, angry and overwhelmed, and sad all at the same time? I am.  As I was looking for answers from God, exasperated with the weight and effort of simply standing still, He led me to Ephesians 3:20. // If you would like to dive deeper into this, or other verses in the Bible, if yo...

I Just Want Peace

May 16, 2022 09:30 - 9 minutes - 10.8 MB

If you’re in the middle of a trying time in your life all you want is some peace.  My peace is this imagined place of sitting back in a comfortable chair with my feet up. The tension in my core muscles and neck is released as I trust the chair to support me. I picture that I’m on this beautiful wrap-around porch as the warm breeze of spring blows through the open windows and the aroma of new blooms fills the air. I'm at rest. I’ve recently realized that what I’ve been describing is earthly...

How Can I Be Content?

April 20, 2022 19:16 - 10 minutes - 9.33 MB

It’s incredibly easy to be discontent. Especially if you’ve experienced pain in your life. And how many of us have never experienced any pain? Right. It’s not this immature groaning from adolescence. It’s deep in our souls. Understanding what true contentment is can lead to true healing.  If you’re wondering what is on the other side of this sadness, this loneliness, this anxiety, this longing for rest, this empty feeling, and the tears that come with it all? If you’re asking ‘why don’t I f...

What Does It Mean To Have 'Christ In Me?'

April 19, 2022 11:00 - 11 minutes - 10.9 MB

This is a mini-exploration of one of the greatest mysteries of the Christian faith. Having "Christ in us.” It calls out two seemingly absurd ideas: we contend for the faith and we do it with Christ’s energy. These two almost contradictory ideas come together.  Having Christ in us doesn’t mean we stop working, sit back and relax. It also doesn’t mean we have to do it ALL either. We contend we claim, we hold, we affirm, we pronounce and declare our faith and we do it with Jesus’ energy and po...

The Women At The Empty Tomb

April 18, 2022 13:33 - 12 minutes - 11.3 MB

It’s easy to focus on the empty tomb, the angel, Jesus calming their fear. It’s the story of Jesus coming back to life! It’s easy to miss what prompted this group of women (none of the twelve disciples btw) to go to the tomb. Their teacher had been crucified. The One they’d followed was unfastened from a shameful cross and laid in a tomb; his body, lifeless. The Advocate who had protected Mary after she had broken an expensive jar of perfume. The Son, The Messiah who birthed him and raised ...

The Path To True Happiness

March 28, 2022 08:00 - 13 minutes - 12.2 MB

The most natural thing in life is to have a troubled heart. It doesn’t take long to look around us and see that everyone everywhere is experiencing hurt and heartache. How do you deal with that? There are a lot of pathways that culture serves up. Everyone’s faith journey is in a different place, it's winding and complex. But God is God and THAT path remains, even when we’ve wandered off it for a time. There are more paths than ever before in today’s world—more options for spiritual “enlight...

This Is Why Satan Wants Us Divided

March 23, 2022 06:00 - 10 minutes - 9.99 MB

Hey everyone - I’m not going to waste too much time today because we don’t need much setup. (I realize that I just inferred I waste time on other podcasts...oh well.) Here's the deal. You see how divided we are as people. You see how divided Christians are and feels like it's getting worse, doesn’t it? That’s right where the enemy wants us. Not just so we can’t accomplish things or fight more or hate each other more… it's for a much more powerful reason and we read about in Psalm 133.  If ...

If You’re Sick of Fighting Every Day…

March 22, 2022 06:00 - 11 minutes - 10.1 MB

Are you tired today? Are you sick of trying to do so much? If I can speak openly and share some of what’s in my personal journal from a few days ago... “I don’t feel like I have the energy to power through the things I don’t want to do. I’m overwhelmed. I’m fighting the urge to quit and do nothing. My capacity is not what it used to be. I’m sick of every day being a fight. I’m sick of all the effort it takes to just be “normal.” I’m drained.” If you’re there too, I hope you can find encour...

The Tension of Loving Others & Setting Boundaries

March 21, 2022 06:00 - 11 minutes - 10.7 MB

I’m currently experiencing a struggle with the tension of loving others while also setting boundaries for myself. I’m taking relationship boundaries now. It’s hard for me to see at times that the two are not at odds. I’m learning that. I’m learning that boundaries are not only a positive for me but sometimes the most loving thing I can do! Boundaries, I’ve learned are really not about keeping others out as much as its about keeping myself in.  My sense is that as Christians we have somehow...

What Are You Going To Do With Your Shame?

March 17, 2022 13:09 - 10 minutes - 9.73 MB

What if you never experienced shame? Shame. Maybe the word has become a little too churchy. What about feeling inadequate? Embarrassed? Feeling like you always have to prove yourself? You're never enough? This overwhelming feeling that your mistakes ARE your identity. It's just who you are now. Imagine being free from that? Because we live in a broken world and every single one of us sin - that means every single one of us experiences shame. So what do we do with that? We take it back to t...

How Does The Bible Help Us?

March 16, 2022 16:06 - 10 minutes - 9.2 MB

Why do you read the Bible? Some read it for help or intellectual stimulation, to understand God, seeking answers to life’s questions or maybe to read it like a novel and discover the story about Jesus. One thing that’s true is that we are told and encouraged to read it more. That’s incredibly intimidating and can be overwhelming in the midst of everything else we have going on. What do we do when we are overwhelmed? Nothing.  The Bible may not answer all of our questions but it does give u...

You Are A Work In Progress (And That's Ok!)

March 15, 2022 15:40 - 9 minutes - 8.44 MB

There is a reason the self-help industry rakes in billions of dollars. We are actually pretty self-aware. We KNOW we are broken, we KNOW there is something missing, we KNOW we fail to measure up. There is aching of “not enough” inside of us and we want to do whatever we can to  become the “best version of ourselves.” - as fast as we can - with as minimal effort as possible.  We are wired to desire transformation - that’s good! But we go off course in WHERE we look for help, healing, and thi...

Can't We Just 'Love Like Jesus Did?'

March 08, 2022 02:42 - 12 minutes - 11.3 MB

Whenever I hear someone say, “We need to just love people like Jesus did,” I get kind of annoyed. Not because I’m against that idea, but because generally, it’s used as sentiment and one that is un-Biblical... almost like it’s used to avoid hard issues.  "We should just love people like Jesus did" usually means "be nice and don't be controversial." The real Jesus we meet in the Gospels loved people in a much better, deeper, richer, and much more controversial and confrontational way. Today'...

RE-VERSED: You Cannot Trust Your Heart

February 23, 2022 19:33 - 12 minutes - 11.4 MB

As tempting as it may be to obey our desires, the Bible describes the human heart as “deceitful” and “desperately sick” It tells us not to lean on our own understanding. Jesus taught that out of the heart come “evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.” Following Jesus means denying yourself, not discovering the god inside. Today we read one of the most famous verses in Jeremiah that comes in the context of people who are sinning greatly while still ...

RE-VERSED: The Benefit of An Eternal Perspective

February 22, 2022 03:02 - 11 minutes - 10.6 MB

How we act and function now as believers and followers of Jesus is determined by what we know about the future. Eternal perspective. If you don’t want to live a defeated life, you gotta roll up your sleeves and get to work and be determined in your focus on Jesus and what he has done for you and what he has set you up for. A life forever with him. God’s not gonna do it for you?! Peter calls the believers and us today to be holy in all of our conduct - to take action. In today's episode, we r...

The Power of Change

February 15, 2022 00:26 - 8 minutes - 8.06 MB

God give me the peace of mind to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Today we read about the anointing of King Saul over Israel and the power of change.  If you would like to dive deeper into this, or other verses in the Bible, if you have a verse you would like to submit to have included in a future episode if have questions about the Bible that you would like answered in a bonus episode, or simply want to connec...

RE-VERSED: When You Follow Jesus Trouble Follows You

February 10, 2022 14:13 - 8 minutes - 7.85 MB

Have there been periods in your life where it seemed to be one long, unending string of trials? Maybe it’s the pandemic that has exacerbated these issues. The quarantines, the distancing, the loneliness. Today's podcast is an encouragement for you, but not in the way you might expect. Today we will be reading: 1 Thessalonians 3:2-3 If you would like to dive deeper into this, or other verses in the Bible, if you have a verse you would like to submit to have included in a future episode if ha...

RE-VERSED: You Can't Forgive Yourself

February 09, 2022 16:29 - 10 minutes - 9.6 MB

What burdens are you carrying because you can’t forgive yourself? If Jesus has forgiven you, do you also have to forgive yourself? Do you feel stuck there? Trapped in a cage of shame? I’ve been to therapy, I’ve been to counseling, and I was the host of a Christian radio show for 11 years. I’m attempting through this podcast to grow in Bible knowledge. When it comes to self-help, I’ve probably heard it all. So when I saw this article from The Gospel Coalition titled, “Say No to the Gospel of ...

How Are You Really Doing?

February 08, 2022 14:58 - 9 minutes - 8.58 MB

Alright so I’m going to ask you a question and your response to it is going to reveal so much about yourself, ready? How are you doing? Maybe you recoiled into yourself when I said that. I think most of us hit cruise control and default on a “good” or “fine.” That’s what we say when we don’t feel like talking about what we are really going through because we don’t feel like telling the whole story or burdening someone else or just going there emotionally. The truth is that most of you, myse...

How You Can SOAR In The Middle of Your Mess

February 07, 2022 13:44 - 10 minutes - 9.98 MB

If you are walking through difficult circumstances. If you are in need of comfort and need of encouragement to keep trusting and hoping in God...don’t look past today’s episode. If you would like to dive deeper into this, or other verses in the Bible, if you have a verse you would like to submit to have included in a future episode if have questions about the Bible that you would like answered in a bonus episode, or simply want to connect with me... text VERSED to 88474 or click here Also ...