So, it's 2017 you're Danny Boyle and you're super successful and you want to film that made you an internationally renewed film maker. A sequel/follow up to one of the most influential movies of the 90s! You've got all the original cast all of whom who have gone on to their own success and the writer. Heck, even the original book author as written a follow-up. So what do you do? You make Trainspotting 2! Craig and Mike dive deep and they don't use the most disgusting toilet in Scotland to do it.

NB: It would appear that Craig didn't use his podcast friendly Blue Yeti mic to record this episode. What did he use? His Logitech cameras built-in microphone. Why'd he do this? We don't know, he's dumb in the morning. So we've beaten him with it in a bit in punishment and advised him to double check his settings before he records in the future. So we're really sorry about how it sounds.