The barely famous lost episode! Back in mid 2018 Craig and Mike recorded a series of podcasts in where they more or less learned how to record and edit podcasts. These really early episodes were recorded with a tin can microphone on to a 80's era boombox. Don't kid yourselves folks, They didn't sound that great. By the time they released their first podcast they realized some of their early efforts, weren't very good. So they set about re-recording them. In fact some episodes were re-recorded multiple times for science reasons. (cough cough...Pitch Perfect)
Well Sunshine is one of those episodes. Except Craig and Mike got so caught up in the glamorous Podcast lifestyle they just plain forgot they had it in the can. It wasn't until they recorded the 30th episode Minipod that they realized you all had been deprived of it. So here it is, You're most welcome.