Hi Y'All. Lets address the serious stuff up front. We're all likely going through some form of lock down right now. Social distancing is one of our most effective ways of dealing with the CoVID19 global pandemic. With at posting this episode some 2.1 million officially reported cases and a tragic number of dead worldwide and its only just starting to slowdown in some regions. The impact of CoVID 19 on our daily lives will be felt for generations to come. With some of you either being affected by the virus itself or by some financial hardship as a direct result of the lock down. So please, we urge all of you to follow the advice of your recognized local medical experts and adhere to government guidelines in your area. Unless those guidelines are absolute bonkers, like lick at the door handles at the public rest room. We'd ask you also to remember you will still get to go to your pub or go on your beach holiday when this is all over but you'll enjoy it a whole lot more if you're not dead. So yes, you might be frustrated and bored of being at home and drinking with your Nan but this is for the good of the many and it doesn't always have to be about you.

That said, don't tell Dustin Hoffman any of this as he kicks virus ass all the way through this flick with virtually no thought for the safety of others in this fun little 90's romp from the director a coupe of much better movies, Wolfgang Peterson.

So stay in, wash your hands with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds, put your feet up after you've taken your filthy shoes off, be kind to others and tune into this podcast about an absolute banger of a 90's film.