Natalia Baltazar is Head of Engineering at Lantum. Lantum is a health tech startup, working on solving the issues around scheduling and rotas within healthcare.

Natalia has a very unconventional journey into tech, beginning her working life as a teenager running her own fashion design business in Canada, before moving to the UK and managing a boutique clothing shop in Shoreditch. The transition into tech came from learning how to code on her own and helping to create a coding Bootcamp - founders and coders, a free code camp based in London.

We spoke about how to create an autonomous engineering culture, and why you'd want one. The difficulties of running a team remotely, managing communication, and remote collaboration.


0:55 - The background of Lantum 

2:28 - Natalias unconventional pathway into tech 

4:35 - The correlation between making software and making clothing 

6:04 - The motivation behind starting Lantum

10:15 - Managing a team remotely 

14:25 - The remote hiring strategy at Lantum

22:00 - Ensuring the team are mindful of a work / life balance during remote working

22:30 - Why an autonomous engineering culture is a good thing

28:40 - Screening for curiosity when taking on new hires