In this episode of Ventures, my guest Jesse Bryan ( and I talk about our experience on the first voyage within The Otherside ( and the resulting implications for brands and people IRL. During this episode, we overlay video of our experience, talk about addressing skeptics, the Otherside litepaper, what can be built on plots of land, how brands should be thinking about The Otherside, and how specifically entrepreneurs can - and should - be thinking about impacting the world with metaverses in general.

Visit for detailed notes and links to resources (videos, articles, etc…) mentioned. 

You can watch this episode via video (including scenes from Will’s first voyage within The Otherside) here

2:28 - What happened on the first voyage of Otherside? What is the backstory here? What was Jesse’s experience?

5:07 - Will’s skepticism about what was going to draw people into Otherside vs. the 20+ other metaverses out there. (Shares his experience of the first Voyage)

6:20 - Jesse’s commentary on why every brand is going to need land and experiences within the Otherside.

7:05 - When you login, you are your personality. NFT as identity. Extensibility. Why it’s important for Brands.

8:52 - The audience for Otherside is going to be huge. 

9:50 - The promise of how this impacts the world IRL. Impact Ape/Island/Mountain/Land. 

11:30 - Otherside litepaper 

12:28 - Commentary on the litepaper 

14:32 - All the things coming together at once. Technology and Web3 and branding and marketing and gaming. What you need IRL for land management and building, you’ll also need in the Otherside. “Metaverse Architects”

16:37 - “Island” vs. Plots of land. Numbers. What’s coming. (overlaying some video)

19:08 - We don’t know a ton about Otherside yet. The roadmap is still not super clear (but enough to keep folks interested).

19:42 - We thought this was a couple years away.

20:01 - Interview with Nicole (Yuga CEO). // Otherside as more inclusive…trying to get the price point down.

26:25 - Experiential marketing IRL and, of course, in metaverses

27:28 - General market coverage of the Otherside?

28:27 - How can metaverses help people IRL? Impact Ape helping the world. 

28:50 - Jesse setting up the concept of Impact Ape / Impact Island 

30:19 - How big will these land sizes be? 

31:25 - Think about your land like Disneyland, jumping between lands. 

33:22 - Source of Will’s skepticism… Insular Yuga community? Or bigger than that?

34:38 - How do new things start? (Analogy from the Roadster)

37:50 - Amazement in how far Yuga has come in about a year.

39:38 - Contact to learn/discuss: - -  

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