Siqi Chen is the VP of Growth at Postmates, the leading on-demand logistics provider.  He was previously the co-founder and CEO of Hey (acquired by Postmates), maker of Heyday, an automated journal app, Stolen (the short-lived, but incredibly viral Twitter hit), and (Stolen’s less controversial successor).  Siqi previously served as the GM at Zynga after an acquisition of his Facebook app startup, Serious Business, maker of the ridiculously viral Friends for Sale, as well as stints at Powerset, Veoh, and NASA Jet Propulsion Lab.

In this episode, we learn how Siqi leverages data to drive growth and build viral products, why the ability to build rapidly growing businesses failed to make Heyday stick, and how he applies these lessons to give super powers to everyday people.

Learn more about Siqi Chen and Postmates!

Follow Siqi on Twitter @blader.

Siqi's favorite book: The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are

Something Siqi spends too much money on that he doesn't regret: Travel & food

Siqi's favorite travel destination: Osaka, Japan

Siqi's favorite restaurant (in the world): Saison


Executive producer & host: Joe Mahavuthivanij

Edited by: Debra Lin

Theme music by: Music for Makers

Logo design: Debra Lin

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