
In this episode, Dalton Anderson discusses the journey of autonomous vehicles, highlighting the challenges faced in the early days and the rise of self-driving cars. He mentions the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) challenges and how they pushed teams to improve their algorithms and sensors. Dalton also talks about the major players in the autonomous vehicle industry, including Waymo, Tesla, and companies in China. He explores the challenges and concerns surrounding autonomous vehicles, such as public awareness and safety. Dalton concludes by mentioning the potential benefits of autonomous vehicles, such as increased mobility for the elderly and improved productivity during work trips.


autonomous vehicles, self-driving cars, DARPA challenges, Waymo, Tesla, China, public awareness, safety, benefits


The journey of autonomous vehicles has faced challenges in the early days, but has seen significant progress.
DARPA challenges pushed teams to improve their algorithms and sensors, leading to advancements in autonomous driving technology.
Waymo, Tesla, and companies in China are major players in the autonomous vehicle industry.
Public awareness and safety concerns are important factors to consider in the adoption of autonomous vehicles.
Autonomous vehicles have the potential to increase mobility for the elderly and improve productivity during work trips.

Sound Bites

"DARPA challenges pushed teams to improve their algorithms and sensors"
"Waymo is offering autonomous ride services in Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Francisco, and other cities"
"Google's resources in machine learning and deep learning give Waymo an advantage"