
In this episode, Dalton Anderson discusses the rise of filter bubbles and the impact of AI influencers. He explores how algorithms shape our worldview and the potential shift from online connection to shared experiences. Dalton shares his personal experience with an AI voice and the disturbing reality of AI influencers. He raises concerns about the blurring lines between AI and humans, the manipulation of comments on social media, and the overwhelming nature of curated content. He advocates for transparency, authenticity, and real-world experiences in marketing.


filter bubbles, AI influencers, algorithms, shared experiences, AI voice, social media, manipulation, curated content, transparency, authenticity, real-world experiences


Algorithms are becoming more sophisticated and shaping our worldview.
Filter bubbles and echo chambers on social media limit exposure to diverse viewpoints.
AI influencers are a concerning trend that blurs the lines between AI and humans.
Manipulation of comments on social media raises questions about transparency and authenticity.
The overwhelming nature of curated content and personalized information can lead to information overload.
Experience marketing and real-world connections are becoming more important in a digital age.

Sound Bites

"It really grosses me out. It really does. It really makes me uncomfortable about the reality of what my kids are going to grow up with if this thing becomes prevalent."
"Your reality isn't necessarily a reality of others. Like you have your own singular personalized reality, which gives you a blind perspective on what things really are."
"AI influencers are gonna become more realistic, more engaging, and have improved conversational abilities."


00:00 Introduction and Overview
04:39 The Impact of Filter Bubbles and Personalized Content
15:31 The Manipulation of Comments on Social Media
28:17 The Shift Towards Experience Marketing
32:55 The Importance of Transparency and Authenticity in Marketing
40:32 Closing Remarks

Segment 2: The Rise of AI Influencers

Who are they? Introduce the concept of AI-generated virtual influencers and how they're gaining popularity.Lil Miquela: the most famous AI influencer, Lil Miquela is a virtual model and musician with millions of followers on Instagram. She has collaborated with major brands like Calvin Klein and Prada. Is known for her bold fashion sense and outspoken personality. This male AI influencer is often seen sporting streetwear and attending virtual events. - The World’s First Digital Supermodel This Japanese AI influencer has a massive following in Asia and is known for her realistic features. appeal: Discuss why brands and audiences are drawn to these virtual figures.Benefits: AI influencers offer brands cost-effectiveness, control over messaging, 24/7 availability, and the ability to tailor them to specific audiences.The ethical concerns: Debate the issues of transparency, authenticity, and the potential for manipulation.Challenges: Concerns exist around authenticity, transparency, and the potential for AI influencers to spread misinformation or perpetuate harmful stereotypes.