Next Episode: Show and Tell

In this intimate conversation, we talk with Karen Mitchell about our inherent worth as artists. Karen is a brilliant meditation leader and art facilitator with experience working with Fortune 500 companies. In our conversation, Eva Knox shared the relatable feeling of being watched, and needing to care about how an audience responds to our art. That helped us think about the impossible standards of the dominant culture that tell us that we need to have all the tools, training, and credentials to prove that we're worthy enough to start. Amy Walsh shared the delightful example of the bower bird, an unapologetically artistic animal that creates elaborate sculptures using leaves and twigs and trash. In contrast to us in our human cultures, the bower bird is not trying to prove to anyone that they're worthy of doing this. The bower bird just does it, with cleverness and creativity that would astound the fanciest of modern art institutions. With these insights and reflections in mind, Karen led us through a beautiful meditative exercise where we practiced letting our visual art effortlessly emerge. 

Connect with Karen here.

This is a live podcast recorded every Friday during the magazine projects's weekly Office Hours. Magazine contributors can drop-in, make comments, and ask question to influence the conversation. Each week we invite a guest to explore an area of magazine making, from content equity, movement building, branding, creative systems design, magazine inspiration, and much more. 

Currently becoming a contributor is invite-only. If you want to nominate an amazing anti-racist feminist entrepreneur to join us, contact Erin at [email protected].