What investors are looking for. There's a lot of money floating around in the vegan sector right now. People are looking to invest in the next Beyond Meat or Oatly but if that's the case, then why can it be so hard to find an investor for your vegan business idea? Few investors will put money into an unproven concept and most won't give you money to see if an idea works just because it's vegan. So David takes a look at what investors are actually looking for in a business and what factors they take into account - and it's not just about your figures.

But that's only half the story. Once you are ready for investment, you need to be able to put all that information into a concise pitch deck or presentation that gives an investor all the information they need at a glance. So what needs to be in that document? How many pages should it be? And how can you use leverage your vegan connection to get an investor to back your mission?

About Vegan Business Tribe

Hosted by Vegan Business Tribe co-founder, David Pannell. Lisa & David have worked with some of the largest high-street brands and food manufacturers to help them understand and connect with the vegan marketplace. David is also the official UK agent for The Vegan Society's Vegan Trademark and Lisa writes the monthly business column in Vegan Food & Living - the biggest vegan print publication in the UK.

Vegan Business Tribe is where they give back with weekly content, seminars, business clinics, networking events, mentoring and online courses to help you create a successful vegan business. If you want to go beyond the podcast and connect with our community of like-minded vegan entrepreneurs or get support from Lisa & David, then head over to www.veganbusinesstribe.com where you will be welcomed with open arms!