Speciesism in business language? Lots of the words, phrases and metaphors we use in business - without even realising it - have some very non-vegan origins. Have you ever talked about 'killing two birds with one stone' when talking with a customer? Or should we be comfortable talking about our 'brand' when the term originates from plunging a red-hot implement into the side of an animal to mark ownership of it?

Our choice of language in business is powerful because it normalises behaviour and attitudes. And because the language we use controls our narrative as a culture, should we aim to avoid and replace animal-negative phrases with more vegan-positive ones in our businesses? If so, how can we do that and what can you actually say instead?

About Vegan Business Tribe

Hosted by Vegan Business Tribe co-founder, David Pannell. Lisa & David have worked with some of the largest high-street brands and food manufacturers to help them understand and connect with the vegan marketplace. David is also the official UK agent for The Vegan Society's Vegan Trademark and Lisa writes the monthly business column in Vegan Food & Living - the biggest vegan print publication in the UK.

Vegan Business Tribe is where they give back with weekly content, seminars, business clinics, networking events, mentoring and online courses to help you create a successful vegan business. If you want to go beyond the podcast and connect with our community of like-minded vegan entrepreneurs or get support from Lisa & David, then head over to www.veganbusinesstribe.com where you will be welcomed with open arms!

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