My Podcast guest is Richard Burgess, better known as Vegan Gains and in this Vegains Podcast episode we talk about :
0:12 Do you mind that my name is “Vegains”?
0:44 How is Finn?
1:34 Why and how did he turn vegan?

2:53 In your vlogs I often see him eating vegan junk foods. Does he only eats that in vlogs or does he eat junk food on a daily basis?
3:58 Guide us through a typical Richard full day of eating
5:28 What are stable foods he eats almost everyday and why?
7:26 What are his favorite videos to make? I love his worst of the fitness industries.
8:41 I know he bench presses 4x per week but what’s his gym routine/split?
10:57 You can’t train legs because of an injury right?
12:50 Your Upperbody training
14:31 Cold water or room temperate water during the workout?

15:02 I’ve noticed vegan gains doesn’t post any recent topless pics. Does he fell pressure to show off a certain aesthetic look? What does he think about body image issues?
16:30 Do you think you always want to live in Toronto or do you have some other places in mind for the future?
19:33 Are there some other places you like where you could see yourself living?
21:16 Did he also suffered depressions before he was vegan?
22:05 Does his gf also suffer with depression?
22:15 Is there anything that gives you long-lasting fulfilment and happiness?
23:00 Does sharing his depression makes it better or worse?

23:50 What scares you?
24:27 Best advice you have ever received?
24:55 What is the future of veganism?

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