Jeremy won the CrossFit Opens 2018 and thus is the Fittest Man of the Netherlands. He is also vegan & we talk about how it is to be a pro vegan CrossFitter and much more.

0:58 How do you explain Crossfit?
8:25 How and why did you go vegan?
13:45 How did you stumble across Crossfit?
18:28 A typical full day of eating
27:26 Foods/snacks he has during competition? I’ve started doing some beginner competition and struggle with what to eat.
30:07 How people treat you in the CrossFit world that you are vegan because the CrossFit scene is often really into the paleo diet for whatever reason.
32:11 Why do you think so many CrossFitters are not vegan because they do everything possibly to improve their recovery, jump in ice baths, supplements, deep tissue massage, mobility but not a plant-based diet which is proven to be the most effective in reducing inflammation?
35:59 What are you doing for preventing injuries in terms of training as well as nutrition?
41:01 Favorite pre workout?
42:11 What supplements do you take and what would you recommend are like the essentials health wise and the ones that make sense to take regarding Crossfit?
46:09 How do you structure your training? Do you just go to random WODs or structure your own training?
51:00 What is his favorite WOD and favorite exercise
53:05 Can you do Crossfit full time? Or do you have another job?
56:00 What are your squat, deadlift, snatch and clean and jerk PRs?
57:41 What scares you?
58:51 Best advice you have ever received?
1:00:00 What is the future of veganism?

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