YOU ARE HERE!! YOU MADE IT!! It's December 2020 and based on the last 11 months you might be ready to cash in these last few weeks. But before you do, I have some questions: Over the last 11 months what did you see? What did you gain? What did you feel? What perspective do you have? Perspective is the capacity to view things in their true relation and/or relative importance.
2020 has been a year unlike any we have experienced. A global pandemic, divisive politics, racial injustice, massive loss, and much more. I encourage you to take a moment to pause and reflect about this year. One thing we all have in common about 2020 is that we ALL have perspective... but is the trajectory of that perspective true? I invite you to our new Life Series and the final series of 2020: Perspectives
This week Vantage Point welcomes the host and creator of the Char Candid Podcast, Charmaine Cooper Special Guest: Charmaine Cooper.

YOU ARE HERE!! YOU MADE IT!! It's December 2020 and based on the last 11 months you might be ready to cash in these last few weeks. But before you do, I have some questions: Over the last 11 months what did you see? What did you gain? What did you feel? What perspective do you have? Perspective is the capacity to view things in their true relation and/or relative importance.

2020 has been a year unlike any we have experienced. A global pandemic, divisive politics, racial injustice, massive loss, and much more. I encourage you to take a moment to pause and reflect about this year. One thing we all have in common about 2020 is that we ALL have perspective... but is the trajectory of that perspective true? I invite you to our new Life Series and the final series of 2020: Perspectives

This week Vantage Point welcomes the host and creator of the Char Candid Podcast, Charmaine Cooper

Special Guest: Charmaine Cooper.

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