Relationship topics are fascinating and entertaining at the same time. 
This episode circles around the topic of interracial dating, where Lawin of Pop Your Cultural Cherry, speaks about his thoughts and experiences around this topic.
We'll hear about:
- How he met his partner
- Did he had pre-dispositions about dating someone from a different culture
- How did they manage to harmonize any cultural differences to make the relationship work
- and more!
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Zestie survey: I'd like to know you better!
Lawin: Cause I know people in the Philippines also. Who also are like this. I don't think it's a matter of race or where you're from. It's just Filipino guys are just better in hiding it.
Glee: hey Zesties! Welcome to the Gleeful Talk Show where we share the stories to cultivate the happiness and hero with it. This episode is just a general chat about dating, particularly with someone from a different culture. There are several layers to this topic and it sits close to my heart because I'm married to someone from a different culture.
So I am curious about what others' experiences are, and I might be sharing some of my experience , in other upcoming episodes soon. My guest
for today is a fellow podcaster who is currently based in Germany and runs the podcast. Pop your cultural cherry, which aims to give its listeners a unique perspective of life in Europe with an Asian or Filipino twist, please welcome Lawin.
Hi, Lawin welcome to the show.
Lawin: Hello. Thank you for having me.
Glee: Thank you.
 I know that you're currently in Germany and you have found your love life there. So today we would dig in a little bit more on your love life and your insights to share for Zesties. And of course, feel free to ask some of the things that you'd like to know as well
Lawin: Okay.
Glee: so may I ask where and how did you meet.
Lawin: Yeah.
So 2017 I started to do my masters, my MBA in the Netherlands. It was in a small city near the German border called Maastricht.  It is one of the most popular students cities in, in Netherlands and Netherlands is not a big country and they have maybe like, I don't know, a dozen students cities, and I was in one of them, which was close to the German border.
 Probably four months, four or five months after I started, I met my current girlfriend Jenny she at the time was working in that city. So. What happened was I was a student, but she was working for a German company, but in the Netherlands. So the company that she was working for is a very big like automobile company, a German automobile company, which is nothing special because there are dozens of German, automobile companies.
But she was living there for. A couple of months already. And basically what happened was as I was studying. And she was working, there were, there are a couple of events that happened in the city. So these events are actually international organizations.  Have these sponsor, these events, and one of these organizations is called InterNations.
I don't know if you're familiar with that,
Glee: I am familiar with it. Yeah.
Lawin: Yeah.
there's a lot of InterNations chapters or branches all over the world in different cities. So I attended this Internations event and She also attended the same international has