Bonnie Hewitt, the founder of Posh Notions, an upcycling business based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania shares her pivotal moments from being diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome, among a lot of her chronic illnesses, to founding Posh Notions and winning the Two-Minute Drill contest in the US.
Bonus content: How She Met Her (Famous) Mentors!
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Glee: I'm curious about how do you approach a mentor? how did you approach David Meltzer? How did you approach these mentors that you have.
Bonnie: And then in 2018 you were mentioning the arthritis. And so 2018 was great. I met Gary V at the beginning of 2018. And anybody knows Gary Vaynerchuk. He's amazing if you don't go, find him on social media. And it was really my first introduction into entrepreneurial, realm. Like I was like, there's people that talk like this they're they they're motivational the inspiration.
I was just like, so taken aback because I had never heard people really talk like Gary V and Tony Robbins and, you know, Lewis, Howes and David Meltzer and all of these different people. And I'm like, wow, this is amazing. So later in 2018, I found out the arthritis had moved into my spine. I had been having a lot of spine pain and I honestly kind of panicked and went to my rheumatologist and said to her, okay, I want to try something medication again, because the nature of the disease is to deteriorate.
So it starts breaking away. Parts of your joints, your organs. It, it attacks them and I already have something also called the general disc disease, which means the same, same thing, different reason that my spine is basically falling apart.
And my youngest two at the time were two and five. And I was like, I want to be able to walk and run and do things with them. So if medication is my only option right now to at least slow this down while I figure something else out, let's do this. And I ended up on something called Humira. And so biologic, injectable.
So I had to give myself a shot every two weeks. And for anybody who's terrified of needles that's me right here. But I felt like it was my only chance to slow this down. Because what it does is it basically shuts off your immune system. So it stops attacking you. And it went horribly wrong. For lack of better words, I was expecting it to be like my saving grace.
I had a lot of hope for, it working and I took a nosedive health wise. I stuck it out for six or seven months. And then in 2019, I met Evan Carmichael, which is also pivotal because he was another person in that realm that I got to meet and boosted me up. And I still actually, I'm very involved with a lot of the things that Evan does.
But I decided after meeting him and, and making all of these plans and the Humira is not working. And I'm trying to, trying to stick it out. because, so I felt like if maybe if I just gave it one more month, one more month, like it would start to work and I would start to feel better and that wasn't happening. So I think it was like March or April, 2018 or 2019. When I