In this very special July 1st episode, Les is joined by co-host Colleen Maybin, Vancouver Opera's Director of Learning and Engagement. With international focus turning a critical eye on systemic racial injustice, this Canada Day will be a day of reflection for many. Guests Michael Hidetoshi Mori and Marion Newman join us for a discussion about cultural representation in opera and the directions that the art form can take to better reflect the experiences of Canada's cultural mosaic. Michael is the general director of Tapestry Opera, which in May of 2019 produced the world-premiere of Shanawdithit, a landmark Canadian-Indigenous opera by Dean Burry and Yvette Nolan. Starring in the title role of Shanawdithit, was Marion Newman, who is a Canadian mezzo-soprano of Kwagiulth and Stó:lo First Nations, English, Irish, and Scottish roots, and a co-founder of Amplified Opera. Marion also sang in Vancouver Opera's 2013 First Nations inspired production of The Magic Flute.

Check out our special features for the episode, including Marion and Michael's Spotify playlists, Les and Colleen's Spotify selection of the week, clips from Shanadiwthit, Missing, and The Magic Flute, and more at!

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