- “There is something wonderful about the quietness at the moment. I am actually feeling really positive about the future as we were in desperate need of some kind of shock, some kind of jolt. It is a pandemic pause and we need pandemic patience and passion. I know that the world can be a better place than it was”

- “The challenge I believe (as we emerge post-crisis) is that we all have a different view of what that might be, and that is what we have to explore”

- “You are not leading to control; you are leading to manage the music. There is a give and take, a questioning listening and questioning and contribution”

- “As soon as I started thinking I will go wrong I went wrong”

- “One of my dreams is to ask different groups ‘what is your imagined magic-wand future with no conditions to now or the past?’” – 39.10

Pauline can be contacted via the following means:

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulinecrawford/





International Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Changemaker, Gender Dynamics Expert, Certified Image Consultant, Magical Conversation Host and Performance Coach, PhD in Entreprenology (Research on Wellness Cultures UK 2003/5)

With 30-year entrepreneur history, Pauline is known as The Ambassador of Magical Conversations as she adventured across UK/Europe, Asia Pacific, and USA, fulfilling her purpose to enable male and female leaders to co-create profitable, value-creation, people-centric collaborative cultures.

Her engagement approach encourages genuine Magical Conversations that tackle the heart of the matter and energise people individually and together. A key focus in her approach is to release old outdated patterns that block individually and collectively. She teaches how to use self-assessment mapping techniques to embed value-based mindsets and new habits that favour positive thinking and being.  Her programs encourage individuals to raise the bar and participate to build collective intelligence that produces outstanding results. The beneficial outcomes are felt from the boardroom to the stock room, with higher profits, good health, and greater customer loyalty.

You can also find out more about Garry as follows:

Web – Sign up for updates at www.hexochangenow.com

Email - [email protected]

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/garryturnerstrategicadvisor/

Clubhouse - @vulnerablegarry

Mike can be found via the following means:

Email - [email protected]

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mjvacanti/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/MJVacanti

Web - https://humansfirst.club/

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