Jared is the host of the Crypto Parabellum Podcast and +Expected Value telegram group. Initially in commercial insurance and investor in real estate, he's now been trading crypto a few years ago and has excelled enough to leave his job and do it full time.

His macro takes are on-point and he’s one of the few people I give weight to when he makes market calls.

Obviously without a crystal ball, he must have knowledge that we can learn from to enhance our investing skills, so Iam excited to have him on the show for Episode 21 of Value Stack!


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0:00 Intro
4:00 Bitcoin Rabbit Hole Story
10:49 Views on Crypto vs Other Assets
13:10 Bitcoin vs Crypto
15:33 Bitcoin as Fed Insurance / Inflation Reduction Act
17:00 Challenges in Teaching and Spreading Bitcoin Adoption
22:45 Education Resources vs Decentralization Tradeoffs in Bitcoin
24:30 Role of Companies in Bitcoin Adoption
27:25 Importance of Time Horizon and Balance
30:25 Future Generations and Bitcoin Inheritance
31:40 Cycles of Life
33:45 Managing Emotions in Trading / Identifying Market Sentiment
35:45Importance of Planning Trades and Risk Management
42:35Investing for More than Returns
44:30 JP’s Shows - Crypto Parabellum Podcast, +Expected Value, Stacked Labs
45:45 Crypto Narrative Wars
48:45 Will the Next Generation Reject Fiat and Paper Money?
53:42 How Technology Both Undermines and Empowers Government Power
57:35 Future of the United States/ Importance of State’s Rights
1:01:30 Rejecting the Mainstream Media
1:03:29 Changing Demographics in US Cities
1:09:30 Becoming a Gold Maximalist
1:11:20 Keeping an Open Mind Througout Life
1:15:10 Outro/Socials