Dave Waters, CFA is Alluvial’s managing member. Since launching Alluvial in 2014, Mr. Waters has focused on delivering exceptional results for Alluvial’s investors. Dave also runs OTCAdventures.com. 

I first found Dave after reading a write-up from his blog. This led to a Twitter follow, and then frequent, spam-like messaging asking Dave about various OTC stock ideas. 

Dave is unique in his investment approach. He searches the darkest, most illiquid corners of the markets in his search for great, obscure companies. 

Dave and I cover a lot of ground in this 1 hour 30 minute conversation. Topics include: 

Personal background and blog
Pitching his fund to prospective LPs
Dave's Investment Process
Immediate Red Flags in Companies
Why Illiquid Stocks? 
Weird stories about dark, OTC companies
Why Dave's strategy works for smaller accounts
The benefits of publishing ideas online

and more!

If you like what we're doing, hit that subscribe button and leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It goes a long way in helping spread the word about the Value Hive movement. 

You can find Dave on Twitter: @alluvialcapital

You can also find information on his Fund at his website, alluvialcapital.com

Finally, check out his blog, OTCAdventures.com

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