Hi Welcome to ValuationPodcast.com - A podcast and video series about all things related to business and valuation.  My name is Melissa Gragg, and I provide online divorce mediation and valuation services in St. Louis Missouri.

Today we will discuss Expert Witness Integrity & Neutrality in Litigation with C. Zachary Meyers, a CVA and CPA in Winfield, West Virginia. He has testified and been qualified as an expert in the Forensic Accounting, Taxation, Business Valuation, and Pension Valuation fields specific to Civil, Marital, and/or Criminal Litigation.

Welcome C. Zachary Meyers!!

 How much weight does a business valuation carry during times like this (pandemic)?What is the responsibility of a valuation expert in a litigation setting?Why is a business valuation expert considered a neutral in a litigation?You wrote an article titled “An Unimpeachable Treatise.” Can you tell us about unimpeachable neutrality?How does unimpeachable integrity, and objectivity play into the business valuation?Do you think it is important for calculations to be written rather than presented verbally? What is the difference between a conclusion of value and a calculation of value?Tell us more about you and your firm!



Melissa Gragg
Expert testimony for financial and valuation issues
Bridge Valuation Partners, LLC
[email protected]
Cell: (314) 541-8163 


C. Zachary Meyers
Phone: (304) 690-2619
Email: [email protected]
Website: CZacharyMeyersPLLC.com
LinkedIn: CZacharyMeyersCPACVA
Twitter: @CZacharyMeyers

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