While the EU scene struggles from the lack of visibility and streamed matches, NA had a fair share of upsets with Sentinels getting bopped out. TSM tried to shake up their roster by signing Brax, but are 6 player teams really the way to go? Anna B. Baumann also joined us this week to lend an expert's view on the entire matchfixing investigation going on. Live on Twitch (http://www.twitch.tv/dnpeek) every Tuesday at 2pm EST. Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/dnpeek), Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/dnpeek/), and check out our website (https://www.dnpeek.com/).

While the EU scene struggles from the lack of visibility and streamed matches, NA had a fair share of upsets with Sentinels getting bopped out. TSM tried to shake up their roster by signing Brax, but are 6 player teams really the way to go? Anna B. Baumann also joined us this week to lend an expert's view on the entire matchfixing investigation going on. Live on Twitch every Tuesday at 2pm EST. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and check out our website.

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