Vera Kovacs is a channeler and spiritual mentor who is here to guide people to be who you really are. 

Vera received the "alarm clock buzz" of awakening in 2004.  She attended a peace conference where she met people and methods like kinesiology who had a very big impact on her life. After the intense week of the conference she turned towards spirituality reading books, listening to lectures, attending courses, and trying out many forms of alternative therapies. This has led to countless experiences in her life that have increased her consciousness allowing her to be more self-aware and awake to the wholeness of her being.

Vera learns and teaches conscious living. She believes that only a conscious being can practice real freedom of choice, that this awareness combined with love leads to less suffering and more peace and compassion. 

Her teaching in one word is AWARENESS. 

Vera uses her spiritual skills such as intuition, psychic vision/clairvoyance, claircognizance and knowledge in sessions with private clients and groups.

Originally she only shared her powerful gifts in her mother tongue of Hungarian, but after meeting with Vagrein last year and having theire typical 'follow your dreams' message transmitted to her she started to create content in English as well and is now building her English-speaking community.

 She also creates content for Youtube, Facebook, Instagram with the messages of a higher consciousness.

Please enjoy my conversation with Vera Kovacs.

More about our guest Vera Kovacs


More about your host Jessie Herman 

Please visit where you can book private channeling, coaching and healing sessions, download free chapters of her channeled book Vagrein : Seeking Ends When Sharing Begins, and enroll in her life-changing courses.

Jessie's books are available on Amazon Now.

You can also follow Jessie and Vagrein on instagram at

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