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Hi everyone, and welcome to Episode 3 of the Vagrant Gamer’s Podcast. This is our relaunch, and I talk a bit about what that means during the show. Kyle’s friend Marik joins us for some fun discussion. Some of the topics at hand include:

- What We’ve Been Up To

- Marik Pimps His CCG: Furoticon!

- The Relaunch and What it Means

- Our Take on Bioware’s Response to the ME3 Ending Hubub

- A word from our “Sponsors” (Special Thanks to Jay Jay and Zusker)

- Day 1 DLC vs. On the Disc “DLC”

- New On Vagary

Also, big shout out to Boons and Conditions, a Guild Wars 2 Podcast and Fansite for providing some great content for fans of the upcoming game.

As always, you can listen below, or find the show on iTunes. Please let us know what you think here, or feel free to send us an e-mail at [email protected]

Follow us on Twitter!

Jeremy – @JerWG

Kyle – @BaronKyle

Vagrant Gamers #3 – The Relaunch

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