Disclaimer: Episode  contains lots of Ballz!! The title says it all folks! Don, Doug and Chris sat down for a little bit and discussed what they consider to be bad games. August 8th is the official “Review a Bad Game Day” and was started by Nintendo Legend of  http://www.nintendolegend.com. Retrocore decided to join in and boy [...]

Disclaimer: Episode  contains lots of Ballz!!

The title says it all folks! Don, Doug and Chris sat down for a little bit and discussed what they consider to be bad games. August 8th is the official “Review a Bad Game Day” and was started by Nintendo Legend of  http://www.nintendolegend.com. Retrocore decided to join in and boy did we have fun! Hope you enjoy and be sure to check out http;//reviewabadgameday.com to see who else participated and links to their review!! Noticeably missing from the show is Colin who is out on his Canadian Wilderness Adventure. (He’ll be back next show!)


Fox’s Peter Pan and the Pirates (NES) Chris
Musashi: Samurai Legend (Playstation 2) Don
Ballz (Genesis,Super Nintendo) Doug

Follow the guys on Twitter: Retrocore_RCVGM (Chris), RCColin (Colin), Ninjamagi (Don) and ThatZooooooooo (Doug)

Email: [email protected]