Today’s music show is like none other. Old school (and possibly crazy) Pokemon fans should remember this album. 2BA Master was released back in 1999 and was….well give it a listen. I played the whole album in it’s entirety and you’ll be able to listen to this episode with your kids! A lot of these [...]

Today’s music show is like none other. Old school (and possibly crazy) Pokemon fans should remember this album. 2BA Master was released back in 1999 and was….well give it a listen. I played the whole album in it’s entirety and you’ll be able to listen to this episode with your kids! A lot of these songs are super catchy yet annoying but any fan of Pokemon or this album will appreciate it.  So set back, loosen those lips and shake out that tongue. (Yes the Pokerap is on here as well)

Pokemon Theme

2BA Master

Viridian City

What kind of Pokemon are you?

My best friends

Everything Changes

The time has come (Pikachu’s Goodbye)

Double Trouble

Together Forever

Misty’s Song


You can do it (If you really try)

Ending – Super Mario World (SNES)

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Be sure and give Retrocore some love as well: