Join us for the last episode of Retrocore Podcast literally released on the last day of the year. Sadly Colin wasn’t able to join us as he was out on a winter Canadian Wilderness Adventure. Don, Doug and I continue on with the show and of course we had fun. We talked junk food again [...]

Join us for the last episode of Retrocore Podcast literally released on the last day of the year. Sadly Colin wasn’t able to join us as he was out on a winter Canadian Wilderness Adventure. Don, Doug and I continue on with the show and of course we had fun. We talked junk food again among other things. Oh and we named off and discussed our top games of the year. Thanks for sticking with us and we hope you continue listening into the new year!

We share what Santa brought us
Chris and Don gush about the awesome Ys games *Contains spoilers*
We announce the winner of our Humble THQ giveaway
We share some of your Game of the Year picks before moving on to share ours
The horrible TMNT Coming out of our shells tour is briefly mentioned….
Listener questions

Follow the Retrocore team on Twitter: Retrocore_RCVGM (Chris), RCColin (Colin), Ninjamagi (Don) and ThatZooooooooo (Doug)

Email us at [email protected]