Previous Episode: Retrocore #65

Some might refer to this episode as the extra sexy Retrocore Podcast. We had a blast with this one and had some pretty funny “sexy” moments. That doesn’t mean we skipped the game talk, cause we talked a lot about games too!  We may of had a little too much fun talking about the newest [...]

Some might refer to this episode as the extra sexy Retrocore Podcast. We had a blast with this one and had some pretty funny “sexy” moments. That doesn’t mean we skipped the game talk, cause we talked a lot about games too!  We may of had a little too much fun talking about the newest Kingdom Hearts game and how Square Enix can’t name games. Let us know how we are doing and thanks for listening!

On this show:

Don shares his PAX experiences
Colin and Doug like punk chicks
A quick review of Final Fantasy Dimensions by Chris (iOS)
Zen Pinball 2
Blog announcement (Coming soon)
Furry talk and more!

Email: [email protected]

Follow the team on Twitter: Retrocore_RCVGM (Chris), RCColin (Colin), Ninjamagi (Don), and ThatZooooooooo (Doug)