This is Vaccine 411, the latest coronavirus vaccine information for November 29th, 2021.


A lot of fear is being generated around the new coronavirus variant, now called Omicron. So first some good news or at the very least potential good news. The chair of the South African Medical Association, who was one of the first to notice the new variant, said symptoms appear to mild and treatable at home. Fatigue, body aches and headaches, not even a loss of smell or taste and oxygen levels remain normal. Almost half she treated were unvaccinated, hinting the current vaccines are somewhat effective against it. But even symptoms in the unvaccinated have been mild. And if you think she’s alone or lying, Israel’s chief of public health services says the potential for infection with omicron is “very high,” but vaccinated people become only slightly ill.


Speaking of very fast spread and very high infections, Omicron is quickly making its way around the world, unhindered by travel bans and restrictions, a tactic that went into place and was generally unsuccessful in keeping out the original virus and its variants. Omicron has been spotted in South Africa, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Britain, Israel, Hong Kong, Germany, Austria, and Italy.


As mentioned earlier, countries are imposing travel bans amidst the new variant in the hopes that maybe, somehow, this time they’ll work. The United States has done it. Israel is banning the entry of all foreigners. Morocco is suspending all incoming air travel for two weeks. The World Health Organization is urging no, don’t do that because it places a heavy burden on lives and livelihoods, it’s not scientifically based, and it just doesn’t work. 


Okay, time to answer the question “Why did the World Health Organization skip a couple of Greek letters when naming the new variant Omicron?” The variant prior to Omicron was Mu, which should be followed by Nu and Xi. Well they didn’t like Nu because it sounds just like the word new. And Xi can’t be used because it’s a common last name in certain countries and the whole point was to not stigmatize any country so…that led to Omicron. If Omicron is your last name, please write your local congressperson.


With reporting affected by the Thanksgiving holiday, in the United States cases were up 4%, deaths are down 10%, and hospitalizations are up 12% over 14 days. The 7-day average of new cases has been trending up since November 3. 


The five states that had the most daily deaths per 100,000 are Montana, West Virginia, Oregon, Michigan, and Kentucky.


There are 9,420,095 active cases in the United States.


The five states with the greatest increase in hospitalizations per capita: New Hampshire 51%, Indiana and Massachusetts 43%, Michigan 41%, and Illinois 32%. 


The top 10 counties with the highest number of recent cases per capita according to The New York Times: Scurry, TX. Mason, MI. Shiawassee, MI. Nodaway, MO. Houghton, MI. Sullivan, NH. Ionia, MI. Jackson, MI. DeKalb, IN. And Oceana, MI.


There have been at least 776,639 deaths in the U.S. recorded as Covid-related.


The top 3 vaccinating states by percentage of population that’s been fully vaccinated: Vermont at 72.7%, Rhode Island at 72.2%, and Maine at 72.1%. The bottom 3 vaccinating states are West Virginia at 41.5%, Wyoming at 45.3%, and Alabama at 46%. The percentage of the U.S. that’s been fully vaccinated is 59%.


Globally, cases were up 12% and deaths were down 4% over 14 days, with the 7-day average trending up since October 15.


There are once again over 20 million active cases around the world, at 20,159,495.


The five countries with the most new cases: Germany 38,444. The U.K. 37,681. Russia 33,548. France 31,648. And the Netherlands 22,133.


There have been at least 5,199,349 deaths reported as...

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