If you don’t already have local or state legislation in place to regulate your short-term rental business, it’s either in progress or it’s coming, because it’s not a matter of if your area gets regulated for short-term rentals. It’s when.

This is the message Rolf Blizzard wants everyone to heed and why you need to be laser focused on your current regulations, or well-prepared for what is in store for you in the future.

The recent outright ban on short-term rentals in the province of British Columbia has galvanized managers and owners and brought them together in coalitions to lobby their government representatives.  But is this too late?

In this episode Rolf shares what he calls the "Seven Cs of Advocacy," and breaks down the ways in which stakeholders, i.e. owners and property managers, can set themselves up for greater advocacy success by getting ahead of potential regulatory action.

This episode is a part of  SSTIR Crazy Month which is sponsored by Proper Insurance‍
Proper Insurance is committed to providing short-term rental owners with a comprehensive insurance solution.

Call Proper Insurance today at 1-888-631-6680



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