If you haven't gotten sick while traveling yet, count your blessings. Chances are it is going to happen and the trick is to be prepared. This week, Hilarye Fuller from Dotting the Map shares her tips on using essential oils to stay healthy when traveling.


00:30 - Tamara and Kim share their stories about getting sick traveling

10:30 - About Hilarye Fuller

14:37 - Essential oils Hilarye travels with

16:50 - Tips on how to use oils when sick

22:18 - Oils for to help with sleep

25:13 - Oil tips for sunburn

27:33 - Oils for your upset stomach

30:44 - Oils for the road

34:00 - Other natural remedies

35:43 - Hilarye’s favorite travel gear

37:55 - Tip of the week


Hilarye Fuller is a family travel writer and author with four children. She is also a natural health advocate and teaches people all over the world how to use essential oils in their daily lives. Follow Hilarye on FacebookTwitterPinterest and Instagram.

TIPS FOR USING ESSENTIAL OILS WHEN TRAVELING You can use your carrier oil of choice and dilute about four drops of carrier for every one drop of oil and put on the back of neck or feet. That will offer relief to aches sometimes associated with fever as well as cooling of the body. If you have any respiratory issues associated with a cold, then using a respiratory blend or creating your own using peppermint and eucalyptus are great. You can dilute and rub on chest and feet as well. For adults and teens the sinus steam is amazing. Get some hot steaming water, add a drop of Oregano, Melalaeuca, Lemon, and Peppermint place a towel over your head, close your eyes and breathe in deep for about ten minutes if you can stand it, those are some strong oils! Lavender, vetiver, and cedar wood are all amazing at promoting a restful night’s sleep or you can use the restful blend which has all these oils and many other amazing oils for promoting restful night sleep like Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, and Hawaiian Sandlewood. Peppermint and Ginger are great essential oils for that or using the digestive blend. You can dilute and rub directly on the stomach, bottom of the feet, inhale from the bottle and depending on the brand you can add a drop or two to a glass of water and take internally for relief from occasional upset stomach or nausea. For sunburns you want to dilute lavender, melaleuca, and peppermint with your carrier oil and apply directly to your affected areas. I would say just a couple drops of each. FAVORITE TRAVEL GEAR

Hilarye particularly loves her ‘Lu La Roe’ leggings and ‘Old Navy’ flip flops. When she’s flying Hilarye loves to wear her casual dresses that she gets from ‘Downeast Basic’.


Be sure to download Hilarye’s cheat sheet for using essential oils!


Dotting the Map

Get Essential Oils

Spray Bottles for Traveling

Favorite Diffuser


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