Brandy Hume of "The Venus Project Challenge" and Earl "EJ" Johnson have both been guests on my show and have both been great contributors.
Recently particularly in some chapters of the Occupy movement I have seen an upsurgance of individuals teaching people about the concept of "White Privelage" and a good deal of the dialog shared on the topic ends up sounding like "Black Racism". It is important to note that I still believe racism exists in pockets of stupidity all over this planet, I feel it is a tool used by the elite in any culture to divide and conquer. This tool is used against people of all colors and creeds. 
I do not feel that the solution to racism is to educate people to be hyper sensitive to the topic of someone's skin pigment. And I am proud to say in TZM and TVP I have had some seriously COLORBLIND friendships. And we dislike ALL racism equally. 
Also, feminists have been pushing this idea to take it a step further. And then you end up with every white male at an activist gathering shamed into silence. Again, I don't think the way to deal with bigotry is more bigotry. 
Brandy and EJ, both being people of color and one being a woman will also be sharing their views. These two videos inspired this show:


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