Connecting with our team is like uncovering hidden treasures! It's all about digging deeper to understand their unique stories, backgrounds, values, cultures, talents, and dreams. This lays the groundwork for a vibrant organizational culture where everyone can flourish. When we truly know our team members, magic happens—retention rates soar, productivity levels skyrocket, and both individuals and the organization thrive!

Join Robert and Tommy in our latest episode of The Future is Here as we dive into practical strategies for getting to know your squad better. From sparking curiosity to having heart-to-heart conversations about values, we cover it all. We'll even explore the power of keen observation and tapping into divine insight through prayer to unlock their full potential.

We'll also tackle the nitty-gritty stuff, like using assessment tools and crafting performance development plans. However, we'll warn you about the dangers of relying too heavily on these tools, like mistaking skills for character and blurring the lines between work and personal relationships.

Strap in as we embark on a journey to truly understand and uplift our team members. Let's unlock their potential together, both personally and professionally!

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