More than any other generation, Millennials are some of the most misunderstood and misconstrued individuals within the context of human history, yes even as a new generation — Gen Z’s — continue to rise to the forefront as society’s new leaders. Gen Z’s represent a beacon of hope as we slowly emerge from a history-altering pandemic. But millennials are being prematurely put on the backburner as the new “lost generation,” swept aside as lazy and at worst, nihilistic. But they have as much to offer to society and the work of the Kingdom of God than we’ve been led to believe. Grant Skeldon, Next Gen Director at Q Ideas, is an expert on his generation—the Millennial generation. In this episode of The Future Is Here podcast, Skeldon talks to our host Tommy Nixon about harnessing the power of Millennials, while also discussing what each generation needs to do to support the work of the Kingdom in reaching this next generation of leaders coming up.

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