On June 28 at 2:33pm, We lost an incredible member of our congregation, Wendi Winters.  Her service was too large to be held in our sanctuary with a 250 capacity.  We moved the service to Maryland Hall which holds 726.  There were over 1000 in attendance (standing room only); and another 1,000 watching our live-stream.  "This is the biggest thing to happen in the life of our congregation to date," many said..  We have all been profoundly hurt and changed.  

On this UUCA podcast, Rev. John Crestwell, shares his Eulogy to/for/of Wendi Winters, our hero.  He wants all of us to do what Wendi would, "Not cower in tough times" and to "Be the change we wish to see," as Gandhi said.  We will never forget you Wendi!

Below is the picture she took of Rev. John in 2008. It's a good picture!