You might think that 5G and AI are completely unrelated, but these new technologies support each other. Both are expressions of information theory, and both use similar mathematics under the hood. Both 5G and AI are also disruptive to existing business models and enable new applications. EdgeQ develops processors that leverage machine learning to improve customer experience in 5G and enable customers to develop their own AI solutions on-chip. 5G is bringing the edge closer to the cloud and it enables seamless deployment of AI across the network.

Three Questions

When will we see a full self-driving car that can drive anywhere, any time?
When will we have video-focused ML in the home that operates like the audio-based AI assistants like Siri or Alexa?
How small can ML get? Will we have ML-powered household appliances? Toys? Disposable devices?Guest Information

Guests and Hosts

Vinay Ravuri, CEO / Founder at EdgeQ Inc. Connect with Vinay on LinkedIn or Twitter at @EdgeQ_Inc

Frederic Van Haren, Founder at HighFens Inc., Consultancy & Services. Connect with Frederic on or on Twitter at @FredericVHaren

Stephen Foskett, Publisher of Gestalt IT and Organizer of Tech Field Day. Find Stephen’s writing at and on Twitter at @SFoskett.  

Date: 5/2/2021 Tags: @SFoskett, @EdgeQ_Inc, @FredericVHaren

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