Productive use of AI requires the application of existing models to new applications through a process called transfer learning. In this episode, High-Performance Computing and AI Expert Frederic van Haren joins Stephen Foskett to discuss the topic of transfer learning and what it means, from voice recognition to autonomous driving and enterprise applications. Transfer learning is analogous to the way teachers impart knowledge and experience to their students, and represents a feedback loop that improves the model over time. This is a valuable concept for applications like language processing but requires a feedback mechanism or it is something of a dead end. One challenge for machine learning is that models do not truly understand the world the way people do, but they can fool us into thinking that they do because of their uncanny ability to match patterns the way we would. Over time, we all must develop a better understanding of this technology even as it is being widely deployed around us.

Guests and Hosts

Frederic Van Haren, CTO and Founder of HighFens. Find Frederic on Twitter as FredericVHaren.
Stephen Foskett, Publisher of Gestalt IT and Organizer of Tech Field Day. Find Stephen’s writing at and on Twitter at @SFoskett

Date: 2/16/2021 Tags: @SFoskett, @FredericVHaren

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