Bitcoin is surging in value; as is gold, real estate and all precious metals. More people than ever are getting out of storing their money in dollars and putting their wealth into other assets. Average people are now putting their extra cash into stocks, which is causing the markets to reach record surging levels in a recession. But "average investors" are refusing to be pawns to a system they cannot control. Reddit groups are learning how to "game the system" to stick it to hedge fund investors who maintain methods to rig the system as demonstrated with the billions hedge funds lost due to the GameStop revolt. Where will all of this end? Very likely fiat currency and the banking cartels will be losing their power as crypto currency and peer-to-peer lending becomes a reality replacing the banking industry's cartel on lending. Furthering this massive sea-change in finance is how fiat currency is going out of style. Fiat dollars enable governments to maintain cartel control on the exchange of goods and services-- is slowly going to end as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies become more widely accepted methods of exchange. The world of finance is ending as we know it, and it's happening more quickly than you might realize. What can you do to prepare for these changes? We offer a few suggestions in this episode of the Utah Stories Show. This is one part of our "End of the World" series if you enjoy this please give us a thumbs up and subscribe. We have far more content available on