Today I’m speaking with Mariyam Elshrief a UX Designer at ServiceChannel in San Francisco, CA. I first met Mariyam when I interviewed her for a role at Prudential Financial. She was incredibly smart, able to think on her feet, and one of the best interviews I can remember having.

That’s why I brought her on the show. At the time in her career, she didn’t have a ton of experience. What she lacked in professional experience though she made up for in curiosity and a ton of hackathons and personal projects that really showed a scope of knowledge far beyond her years of employment.

In this episode Mariyam shares her origin story, switching from a computer science degree to UX Design [5:45]. Her time as a boot camp student at General Assembly [3:00]. Her interviewing preparation tactics [10:30], hackathons [8:50], portfolios [15:00], advice for younger designers [18:50. But most importantly her journey from UX mentee looking for a career to UX mentor guiding others in their own journey [21:29]. It’s a great story and I hope you enjoy it.

Show Links

Mariyam on LinkedIn

Mariyam’s Website

Mariyam on

General Assembly

IBM Design Thinking


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