Welcome back to the UserFlows Podcast. A show where we talk about UX Design and Careers. I’m your host Thomas Morrell and I get to interview other designers about their journey’s into the field of UX and Product Design. Today I am speaking with Sam Harper, a former filmmaker and marine biologist turned passionate user experience designer, published Medium author, and frequent contributor to the UX Collective blog. Sam is also a UX career coach with some pretty great experience.

I was first introduced to Sam through his LinkedIn live shows. I found him extremely intriguing and I love how open, honest and helpful he has been for the UX community. Especially those just getting started in the field.

You can read Sam’s articles on Medium or join his biweekly live stream calls on LinkedIn.

Books and Articles we talked about on the show

What Color is Your Parachute?

Jobs To Be Done

2021 Edition: Your UX Boot Camp Will NOT Get You A Job: Unless You Do These Critically Important Steps

Article I couldn’t remember on the show :)

Lost your UX job during COVID? Look at the opportunities it presents