Hello and welcome back to the UserFlows Podcast. My name is Thomas Morrell and I'll be your host. It's been a crazy month for myself and my family. We packed up and sold our home in New Jersey and moved to Savannah, GA. We've been debating this move for many years, so we've finally pulled the trigger. It's been a dream so far, but of course, it's still the honeymoon phase. Continuing the podcast throughout the move though. We'll be bouncing around from rental to rental as we build our dream home on the coast here.

A little update of the podcast for those of you who continue to listen. We have listeners. This is really exciting and I can't thank you all enough. Of course, it's not thousands, but it is in the hundreds which for me is really exciting. I started this podcast to help those of you who may be considering the journey or career transition into the field of UX design. I did this not only to help people grow and learn but also selfishly to help myself grow and learn and my gosh it's been quite a learning curve. I had a slight snafu with recording this podcast so you'll notice the audio is a little off, but that's the only way to learn, isn't it. Trial and error.

Thank you all so much for continuing to listen. If you'd like to be a friend to the show, please share this with anyone you know who may be interested in the field of UX design. Subscribe and leave a rating on iTunes, Spotify, or anywhere you listen to podcasts. If you have any specific topics you'd like to discuss or hear discussed. Feel free to reach out with any topic requests, questions, or ideas. I'm all ears and I'm here for you.

Very excited for this episode, today you'll be listening to a conversation I had with Freelance UX/UI designer Ivan Crego. Ivan recently started his career after attending a UX boot camp offered through Career Foundry. Previously, Ivan had an amazing job as a University Recruiter for the New Jersey Institute of Technology where he got paid to travel the world. Nice work if you can get it, huh!

After the realities of Covid set in, Ivan realized he would need to look into a new career. Luckily a friend introduced him to UX design and got him pointed in the right direction. A big shout out to Brian Evans for introducing me to Ivan. You can listen to my conversation with Brian in UserFlows Episode 2.

Ivan and I talk about a number of his experiences throughout his journey to becoming a UX designer and for those of you considering that same journey. I think you'll find what he has to share enlightening. I hope you enjoy it.

Find all show links below:

New Jersey Institute of Technology: https://www.njit.edu/

Career Foundry: https://careerfoundry.com/

Springboard: https://www.springboard.com/

General Assembly: https://generalassemb.ly/

Brian Evans Interview: https://redcircle.com/shows/6fe0183f-8c8b-48f3-9e04-6675912c267e/episodes/62eca4c3-6d8e-42cc-97ba-07ac2e4fd6e4

If you'd like to connect with Ivan, you can find him here: linkedin.com/ivancrego or ivancregodesign.com

If you'd like to be a friend of the show, please remember to share this with anyone you know interested in User Experience design. Like, share, comment, etc... on all the social media channels. You can find me on Instagram @userflows.live

You can message me at linkedin.com/morrellthomas

If you've enjoyed this show, a five-star rating, comment on Spotify or Apple podcasts would go a long, long way.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy the conversation.