Previous Episode: The Michael Cutler Hour
Next Episode: The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday:

Last week I was unable to do my show- I was honored by being invited to be the Keynote Speaker in a wonderful town, Grand Lake, Colorado as a part of the celebration of Constitution Week.  I have some interesting thoughts about my visit to that amazing town and its residents that I will share with you this evening.

On September 11th FrontPage Magazine posted my article, IMMIGRATION AND THE UNLEARNED LESSONS OF 9/11: Politicians and the courts block Trump administration’s efforts to safeguard America.

Today, September 22nd FrontPage Magazine posted my article:  CALIFORNIA POISED TO PROVIDE “SANCTUARY” TO ALIEN CRIMINALS AND TERRORISTS: Playing politics with national security and public safety.

Both article have a common theme- the true importance of our nation’s borders and immigration laws and how corrupt politicians are ignoring what should be obvious and ignoring the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission in pursuit of a global agenda that President Trump and AG Jeff Sessions wisely oppose.

The calculated misuse of language to obfuscate the immigration issue- and a number of other issues. is nothing short of Orwellian "Newspeak!"

Please be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and mywebsite, remember Democracy is not a “Spectator Sport!”