The Apostle Paul Wrote a detailed and systematic explanation of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. His audience was a diverse metropolitan mix of believers. Urban Christians! Aren't we all? 

Paul's method of missionary fund raising is as counter intuitive as God's work of redemption in Christ. Romans is Paul's tour de force theological treatise concerning God's tour de force purpose of acquiring a people for all of history. God's Word to all of us is to know His will in salvation. For that to take hold, Paul had to explain the nature of our predicament and why it is so great. Therefore, he also needed to explain why believers all stand in so great a debt of so great a salvation.

That sinners can be acquitted for transgressing God's holy standards is the greatest news possible! Episode 13 covered the first part of an essay on Romans that Reformed theology stalwart, Gordon H. Clark, wrote for the Biblical Expositor in 1960. We continue in this episode to look over the shoulder of one who traced the argument of the Apostle Paul and, therefore, the Holy Spirit. 

What follows for the normal Christian once believers are by grace through faith acquitted for their sins? 

May God cause teachers, preachers, pastors, church planters, and lay people to get the Gospel right for the glory of God and the good of His people!